The Amazing World of Gumball: The Great Troll

About a month ago, I was playing Nekopara on Steam (I don't tell you how to live your life), when I received a strange message from some user who's name was just a jumble of random text which said "The dark truth you have sought all your life is waiting for you on an all new episode of The Amazing World of Gumball airing right now!" This really got my curiosity peeked, what forbidden knowledge in this new episode could be so corrupt that I would seek it out? However, since I was in the middle of an... interesting scene in my game, I refused to go over to my Television and instead resolved to use wicked and illegal methods to watch the episode on the internet later that night.
When I got on to the site that shall not be named, I noticed that the as I clicked on the links to get to The Amazing World of Gumball and then to the episode itself, the pages got more and more distorted until I reached the last page and the only text that was readable was this new episode's title, "The Deceiver". I payed no heed to any of this however, figuring that I was merely slipping deeper into the jaws of madness.
After the normal Gumball intro, the episode began with Gumball walking down the halls of his school alone. The walls were lined with distorted pictures of characters from other Cartoon Network shows and even a few from shows that were airing on Toonami. The picture of Ryuko Matoi from Kill La Kill looked super epic with her finally appearing to have become the goddess of chaos that she really is (if anyone has a JPG of it, I will be eternally grateful). After walking on for some time, Gumball entered his classroom, which had been converted to look like a church complete with a stained glass window which seemed to depict a pair of green daemonic eyes starring out from utter darkness. The blue cat knelt before the altar that now stood at the head of the room and upon It he placed his lunch box, an offering to the dark god this church worshipped. He then seemed to pray for a minute or so before getting up and exiting the room. The camera then panned to the stained glass window one last time, and the episode ended.
As the credits rolled, I was shown a vision, a vision in which all was made clear. In it, I saw Evil Patrixx, Sanic.exe, Shrek, and all the other Trollpasta monsters. All of them were consumed by a great darkness and when the last one was swallowed, a pair of glowing green eyes appeared just like in the episode. It was then that I realized the truth, Evil Patrixx and all his kin are merely aspects of a far greater being. Our minds are so feeble that we are unable to truly understand such an all powerful intelligence and thus, we had to split it up into many parts to try and comprehend the entire picture. I knew this creature's name, as if by instinct. The Great Troll.
This was "The Deceiver" that the episode spoke of. This great being is the true ruler of this world, and soon it will return to usher in a new age. An age where nothing is sane and chaos reigns supreme. Mass Effect 3's ending, Miley Cyrus' twerking, and the lack of a Tokyo Ghoul Season 3, Age of Sigmar, these are all the signs of The Great Troll's return. We must embrace it if we are to survive. We must become one with it. The Great Toll has returned.